- Modern health crises: Recession and recovery - Chang Ma, John Rogers, Sili Zhou (VoxEU.org)
- The EU response to the coronavirus crisis: How to get more bang for the buck - Massimo Bordignon, Guido Tabellini (VoxEU.org)
- Pandemic Recession: L or V-Shaped? - Victoria Gregory, Guido Menzio, David G. Wiczer (NBER WP)
- COVID-19 and the Welfare Effects of Reducing Contagion - Robert S. Pindyck (NBER WP)
- How to pay for the (pandemic) war - Francesco Bianchi, Renato Faccini, Leonardo Melosi (VoxEU.org)
- Challenges in Nowcasting GDP Growth - FRB of Atlanta
- Emerging from the Great Lockdown in Asia and Europe - Changyong Rhee and Poul M. Thomsen (IMF)
- Business cannot simply awake from this coma and carry on - Raghuram Rajan (FT)
- After the coronavirus pandemic - Martin Wolf (FT)
- Fractured Global Value Chains post COVID-19: Can India gain its missed glory? - Rajesh Chadha (Brookings)
- European investment plunge raises fears for future growth - FT
- Trump threats to China over coronavirus pile pressure on renminbi - FT
- UK economy shrinks at record 5.8% in March - FT
- Britain’s Silly Flirtation With Negative Interest Rates - Washington Post
- ECB rebuffs bank complaints on negative interest rates - FT