Blogs, Opinions and Academic papers
- COVID-19 lockdowns have increased support for incumbents, trust in government, and satisfaction with democracy - Blais, Bol, Giani and Loewen (VoxEU)
- Germany’s Judges Declare War on the ECB - Willem H Buiter
- The value of social distancing is not equally distributed - Barnett-Howell and Mobarak (VoxEU)
- The Threat of Enfeebled Great Powers - Arvind Subramanian (PS)
- Will COVID-19 fiscal recovery packages accelerate or retard progress on climate change? - Hepburn, O’Callaghan, Stern, Stiglitz and Zenghelis
- Fiscal Policies for the Recovery from COVID-19 - Gaspar, Lam, and Raissi (IMF)
- Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers, Issue 14 - CEPR
- Global medical trade in the time of the coronavirus pandemic - Kimberly A. Clausing (Equitable Growth)
- The Cost of the COVID-19 Crisis: Lockdowns, Macroeconomic Expectations, and Consumer Spending - Coibion, Gorodnichenko and Weber (SSRN)
- Here’s How Covid-19 Is Boosting Monopolization and Market Power - Matt Stoller (ProMarket)
- China’s economy after COVID-19 - Audio (Bruegel)
- Reopening Malaysia’s economy in a new normal - Smita Kuriakose (World Bank)
- How Severe Is the “Great Lockdown” Expected to Be? - Enrique Martinez Garcia (EconBrowser)